
1. Monitoring, analysis and evaluation of health status in relation to working conditions of all serviced employees, including those with increased sensitivity and reduced resistance

Conducted surveillance and analysis of health conditions encompasses:1.       Advise and assist the employer in organizing:
а) preliminary medical examinations and tests to assess the suitability of employees on recruitment;
б) periodic medical examinations and tests for early detection of changes in the organism resulting from the effects of working environment and labor process;
2.       Disclosure of information to medical specialists carrying out periodic medical examinations in respect of identified hazards and the risk to health and safety of workers;
3.       Notification of the selected GP for disease or abnormal physiological characteristics of workers who need diagnostic clarification and treatment;
4.       Preparing a conclusion about the suitability of the worker to perform a given job;
5.       Based on risk assessment and the specific working conditions offers the kind of medical specialists to carry out the examinations and necessary tests; a list of occupations in which workers are subject to mandatory periodic medical examinations and tests; frequency of periodic medical examinations and tests;
6.       Preparation of a summary analysis of health status on the basis of documents and terms set out in Regulation 3/2008.
7.       Tracking the health status of each employee in relation to working conditions. The occupational health service leads health electronic and paper records in accordance with the template of Annex 6 of Ordinance № 3/2008

2. Participation in the evaluation of risks to health and safety of workers as required by regulations to ensure health and safety at work

OMS along with representatives of the employer company served and n accordance with risk assessment:
1.       Develops and proposes measures to eliminate or reduce the risk;
2.       Proposes grading of priority measures under paragraph 1, taking in mind the risk, the causes of identified hazards and their characteristics, including the feasibility of measures and investment opportunities;
3.       Evaluates the effectiveness of measures taken by the employer;
4.       Develops recommendations for the employer for the reorganization of the workplace, work organization and workload of employees who need special protection;

3. Participation in the implementation of training programs for executives, workers and their representatives on the rules to ensure the health and safety and compliance with safe working practices

1.      OMS organizes and conducts training of professionals in the rules of first aid, self-help and mutual assistance in relation to specific hazards in the workplace;
2.      Provides information to employees about the health risks associated with the work and results of medical examinations and tests;
3.      Gives individual advices to employees regarding health and safety at work;
4.      Participates in the implementation of programs for health promotion to workers in the workplace, elimination of risk factors of lifestyle, protecting and enhancing the performance and overcome stress at work;
5.      Assist employers in implementing the statutory requirements related to health and safety at work;
6.      Assists employers in developing the rules, regulations and instructions in businesses to provide health and safety at work and advising workers on correct application;
7.      Advises and assists the committees and groups at work in carrying out their activities.

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Occupational Medicine Service "Vita Engineering"

Address: 1505, Sofia
9 Dragovitsa Str.
+359 2 960 49 94
+359 888 500 245
Е-mail: [email protected]

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